As usual, gue bangun siang hari ini. Tidur jam...02:30 am, nonton pertandingan Henin vs Zakopalova. Kan set pertama Henin menang 6 - 3, set kedua mimpin 3 - 2. Eh tau-tau pertandingan ditunda karena sudah gelap -_______-...okelah gue paksain tidur.
Teyuzzz (?)...gue main komputer, ngecek visa Australia gue udah jadi apa belom (ternyata belum jadi, hebat ya?), dan sarapan dengan mie ceker ayam yang dibeliin enyak gue tercintah...mmm lezadh deh, mau?
Habis itu, gue yang aslinya ga pernah mandi dua kali sehari kalo libur, dipaksa mandi sama enyak gara-gara gue diajak ke Blok M? Ngapain ke Blok M? Jadi gini, Kawan-kawan, mobil enyak gue kan Toyota Yaris, terus beliau mau ikut undian gitcuuuu...hadiahnya produk-produk Apple kayak Macbook Pro, iPod, segala macem deh. Asli banget gue sebenernya males ikut, gue sampe mohon-mohon, "Sebentar aja ya perginya...gausah lama-lama ya...sebentar ya...". Hahaha soalnya gue mau nonton lanjutan pertandingan Henin, terus acara TV favorit gue, Game, Set, & Mats. Tapi yah enyak memaksa mau diapain lagi? T_T
Sebelum ke Blok M, jemput temen enyak dulu di Tebet. Habis itu cabs deh ke Blok M. Di sana gue duduk dengan manis di tempat undian itu, dan dengan susah payah membuat semacam akrostik dengan kata kunci Y-A-R-I-S...nah, akhirnya gue dapet apa? iPod Shuffle...alhamdulillah deh, lagian kalo dapet Macbook Pro juga paling gue jual, OS favorit gue mah Windows Man.
Habis itu gue beli satu kemeja, kayaknya bermanfaat buat nikahan Bu Ejha hari Minggu :D. Nah, terus pulang deh.
Kan sebelum pulang mampir dulu ya ke temen enyak...nah yang ngeselin tuh ENYAK NYASAR, sampe nanya bolak-balik nyari jalan tol ohmayGat enyak gue T_T...walhasil Game, Set, & Mats dan lanjutan pertandingan Henin gue ga nonton (tapi alhamdulillah Henin menang 6 - 3, 6 - 3 :D :D :D).
--------ganti topik--------
Gue currently membaca novel The Godfather. Ceritanya gue lagi ke Gramedia, terus gue mau beli novel The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Harganya mahalanjir...terus bokap gue ngusul gue beli The Godfather, lagian kan The Curious Case of Benjamin Button gue udah baca e-book-nya. Tebel, tapi SERU BANGET deh, gue pas baca kebayang-bayang wajah Michael Corleone yang...ganteng awawaaaawwww, atau Fredo Corleone yang (menurut gue) rada blo'on.
Gue bacanya agak lama nih, soalnya novelnya emang berat, tapi seru banget kok kalo dibaca. Dan gara-gara buku itu gue jadi agak sedikit naksir Sonny Corleone :p. Thumbs up lah buat Mario Puzo!
PS: Ask me anything ya... hahaha thx.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Dufan Again!
Hei Semua...hahaha oke gue mau cerita soal Dufan. Telat sih hahaha tapi biarlah, kan alon-alon asal kelakon. Ngerti? Alhamdulillah. Ga ngerti? It's ok! Oke, lanjut!
Jadi gue sama IX - D-ers (kata Rangga IX Debora--Deretan Bocah Rame -__-) beberapa hari yang lalu pergi ke Dufan...tepatnya tanggal 25 Mei, right on my 15th birthday! Hehehe senang sekali dakuuuu.
Gue baru tidur jam 01:00, habis perayaan kecil-kecilan ditemani pacarku, si Top (laptop maksudnya) dan sepotong Oreo cheesecake :9 (enak loh). Kemudian membalas sms yang masuk, ngucapin happy birthday. Dan sms pertama yang masuk adalah dari --> Maya Adlina. Thanks May muah muah muah!
Bangun pagi gue mandi, ganti baju, siap-siapin barang, nungguin sopir, habis itu cabs ke rumah Riri Pas gue nyampe udah ada Dita, Jundi, Maya, Riri (iyelah --"), Nadhirah, Ami, Tika, Anggi, Ledya, Echa, Tata, Hilman...banyak deh. Terus pas mau berangkat, Awan dateng. Lanjut, berangkatlah kita ke Dufan.
Pertamanya ngantri tiket dulu. Antriannya puanjang kan katanya kalo bawa STNK sepeda motor bisa diskon 50%, tadinya gue mau bawa, ternyata STNK sepeda motor gue dibawa bapake ke luar kota. Jadilah gue bayar harga normal, tapi gue bersyukur deh, soalnya yang bayar pake STNK tuh antriannya ANJRIT PANJANG GILA, sumpah kasian gue liat temen-temen gue yang bayar STNK, ckckck.
Wahana pertama adalah Journey to the Center of the Earth. Wahana favorit gue karena ga terlalu bikin mual hahaha :p...lumayan seru deh. Habis itu naik pontang-pontang, kan gue sama Riri, anjrit ketindih gua -_-, untung si Riri masih tergolong kurus. Belum hilang pusing, kita naik ombang-ombang. Anjrit bener ye pas ini perut gue bener-bener langsung pusing, kepala gue langsung mual. Untung gasampe muntah, tapi sensasinya itu menjijikkan banget ya Allah.
Kemudian perang bintang. Eh pas perang bintang itu kan ada cowok bule gitu sama ceweknya...nah si cowok bule itu sekilas matanya mirip banget sama John Isner, jadilah gue curi-curi pandang sedikit. Gantengan Isner sih, cuma matanya itu loh sekilas mirip hahaha. Habis itu makan, kemudian shalat.
Kan pada ngantri niagara-gara ya, si Jundi ga mau ikutan karena dia males. Gue ikutin dia, soalnya gue lagi ga mood basah-basahan. Gue, Jundi, Irham, Hilman, Awan, Ryan, sama Atiqi memutuskan nonton...balada kera. Agak lucu juga sih, kera nyanyi-nyanyi gitu :p. Habis itu pada mau ngantri arung jeram, gue dan beberapa yang lain memutuskan naik ontang-anting.
Seru, cuma pas ontang-antingnya ditinggiin, gatau kenapa gue langsung takut, jadilah gue teriak-teriak gajelas demi menghilangkan rasa takut. Terus kan pada mau naik kora-kora, berhubung gue ada pengalaman buruk pas naik kora-kora bareng dM tahun lalu, gue nungguin. Eh ternyata...............hujan. Gue, Dita, sama Irham nunggu di salah satu restoran deket situ, nungguin yang lain. Semua wahana diberhentikan karena hujan (wajib lah itu). Terus pada duduk-duduk di restoran itu, beberapa ada yang ganti baju.
Habis itu kita foto-foto, terus cabut ke Taman Kuliner. Mas-mas di sana kocak banget deh ahahaha...terus makan, karena gue kenyang banget jadinya cuma makan pempek sama minum cappuccino aja.\
Then, gue nganterin para cewek ke rumahnya masing-masing. Pas mau ke rumah Ami, tau-tau si Echa bilang, "Eh tuyul itu keriting ya?" Yang lain ngalihin pembicaraan, soalnya udah malem banget waktu itu, eh sopir gue malah ngomongin genderuwo -___________-.
Kemudian nganterin Tika, Maya, dan Echa ke PK (Persada Kemala). Terus ke Cikas nganterin Anggi sama ke Galaxi nganterin Dita.
Pemberhentian terakhir...CKP, nganterin Nadhirah. CKP tuh deket lah sama rumah gue, naik sepeda juga nyampe kali.
Sampai di rumah, gue bales-balesin ucapan selamat ultah di Fb dan Twitter. Capek, tapi menyenangkan!
So far it's the greatest birthday I've ever had...thanks everyone for make May 25 wonderful!
PS: Lagi Roland Garros nih, seru banget! Besok (kalo gasalah) Henin lawan Sharapova, tadi Roger menang 6 - 4, 6 - 0, 6 - 4 lawan J. Reister. Jagoan gua? Gausah nanya deh, jelas ROGER dan HENIN doooooong!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck all! I know you guys will win!
Jadi gue sama IX - D-ers (kata Rangga IX Debora--Deretan Bocah Rame -__-) beberapa hari yang lalu pergi ke Dufan...tepatnya tanggal 25 Mei, right on my 15th birthday! Hehehe senang sekali dakuuuu.
Gue baru tidur jam 01:00, habis perayaan kecil-kecilan ditemani pacarku, si Top (laptop maksudnya) dan sepotong Oreo cheesecake :9 (enak loh). Kemudian membalas sms yang masuk, ngucapin happy birthday. Dan sms pertama yang masuk adalah dari --> Maya Adlina. Thanks May muah muah muah!
Bangun pagi gue mandi, ganti baju, siap-siapin barang, nungguin sopir, habis itu cabs ke rumah Riri Pas gue nyampe udah ada Dita, Jundi, Maya, Riri (iyelah --"), Nadhirah, Ami, Tika, Anggi, Ledya, Echa, Tata, Hilman...banyak deh. Terus pas mau berangkat, Awan dateng. Lanjut, berangkatlah kita ke Dufan.
Pertamanya ngantri tiket dulu. Antriannya puanjang kan katanya kalo bawa STNK sepeda motor bisa diskon 50%, tadinya gue mau bawa, ternyata STNK sepeda motor gue dibawa bapake ke luar kota. Jadilah gue bayar harga normal, tapi gue bersyukur deh, soalnya yang bayar pake STNK tuh antriannya ANJRIT PANJANG GILA, sumpah kasian gue liat temen-temen gue yang bayar STNK, ckckck.
Wahana pertama adalah Journey to the Center of the Earth. Wahana favorit gue karena ga terlalu bikin mual hahaha :p...lumayan seru deh. Habis itu naik pontang-pontang, kan gue sama Riri, anjrit ketindih gua -_-, untung si Riri masih tergolong kurus. Belum hilang pusing, kita naik ombang-ombang. Anjrit bener ye pas ini perut gue bener-bener langsung pusing, kepala gue langsung mual. Untung gasampe muntah, tapi sensasinya itu menjijikkan banget ya Allah.
Kemudian perang bintang. Eh pas perang bintang itu kan ada cowok bule gitu sama ceweknya...nah si cowok bule itu sekilas matanya mirip banget sama John Isner, jadilah gue curi-curi pandang sedikit. Gantengan Isner sih, cuma matanya itu loh sekilas mirip hahaha. Habis itu makan, kemudian shalat.
Kan pada ngantri niagara-gara ya, si Jundi ga mau ikutan karena dia males. Gue ikutin dia, soalnya gue lagi ga mood basah-basahan. Gue, Jundi, Irham, Hilman, Awan, Ryan, sama Atiqi memutuskan nonton...balada kera. Agak lucu juga sih, kera nyanyi-nyanyi gitu :p. Habis itu pada mau ngantri arung jeram, gue dan beberapa yang lain memutuskan naik ontang-anting.
Seru, cuma pas ontang-antingnya ditinggiin, gatau kenapa gue langsung takut, jadilah gue teriak-teriak gajelas demi menghilangkan rasa takut. Terus kan pada mau naik kora-kora, berhubung gue ada pengalaman buruk pas naik kora-kora bareng dM tahun lalu, gue nungguin. Eh ternyata...............hujan. Gue, Dita, sama Irham nunggu di salah satu restoran deket situ, nungguin yang lain. Semua wahana diberhentikan karena hujan (wajib lah itu). Terus pada duduk-duduk di restoran itu, beberapa ada yang ganti baju.
Habis itu kita foto-foto, terus cabut ke Taman Kuliner. Mas-mas di sana kocak banget deh ahahaha...terus makan, karena gue kenyang banget jadinya cuma makan pempek sama minum cappuccino aja.\
Then, gue nganterin para cewek ke rumahnya masing-masing. Pas mau ke rumah Ami, tau-tau si Echa bilang, "Eh tuyul itu keriting ya?" Yang lain ngalihin pembicaraan, soalnya udah malem banget waktu itu, eh sopir gue malah ngomongin genderuwo -___________-.
Kemudian nganterin Tika, Maya, dan Echa ke PK (Persada Kemala). Terus ke Cikas nganterin Anggi sama ke Galaxi nganterin Dita.
Pemberhentian terakhir...CKP, nganterin Nadhirah. CKP tuh deket lah sama rumah gue, naik sepeda juga nyampe kali.
Sampai di rumah, gue bales-balesin ucapan selamat ultah di Fb dan Twitter. Capek, tapi menyenangkan!
So far it's the greatest birthday I've ever had...thanks everyone for make May 25 wonderful!
PS: Lagi Roland Garros nih, seru banget! Besok (kalo gasalah) Henin lawan Sharapova, tadi Roger menang 6 - 4, 6 - 0, 6 - 4 lawan J. Reister. Jagoan gua? Gausah nanya deh, jelas ROGER dan HENIN doooooong!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck all! I know you guys will win!
Semua Tentang Kita
Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka...saat kita tertawa
Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka...saat kita tertawa
For my beloved Virsestien :).
Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka...saat kita tertawa
Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka...saat kita tertawa
For my beloved Virsestien :).
Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me :D
Just wanna say...
May I be blessed, and have a wonderful 15 :).
I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
- Five for Fighting
PS: I wonder if Justine could say 'happy birthday' to me :p? But she will give me some kind of present, with her winning Roland Garros :).
May I be blessed, and have a wonderful 15 :).
I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
- Five for Fighting
PS: I wonder if Justine could say 'happy birthday' to me :p? But she will give me some kind of present, with her winning Roland Garros :).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Just Sharing, Just Thinking
Jadi, Kawan-kawan Sekalian, gue kan tadi buka Kaskus ya, gue nemu thread yang menurut gue sangat menarik. Ini link-nya.
Silakan dibaca.
Nah, gimana? Gue sih jujur tersentuh banget sama topik itu, tentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan pengemis Yahudi. Nabi Muhammad yang nggak bisa dipungkiri merupakan orang yang sangat mulia aja nggak membeda-bedakan orang berdasarkan agamanya. Orang jaman sekarang? Sok-sokan benci Yahudi, benci Israel, benci Amerika...hmm. Oke, gue akuin tindakan menyerang Palestina itu salah, salah banget. Tetapi gue memandangnya dari sisi kemanusiaan. Apakah tentara Israel menyerang Palestina karena orang Palestina itu mayoritas Muslim? Nggak kan? Gue akuin gue juga selalu panas baca artikel kekejaman tentara Israel di Palestina, tapi nggak berarti gue benci Israel, benci Yahudi secara umum. Nggak ada orang yang gue benci karena agama atau rasnya, gue benci seseorang karena attitude-nya, apa yang dia lakukan, no matter apa agamanya.
Dan ga semua orang Israel ngedukung Perang Gaza, lagi. Gue pernah liat sebuah buku tentang Perang Gaza di mata orang Israel (gue lupa judulnya). Nyatanya banyak yang nggak setuju tuh. Jadi ya nggak layak juga kalo kita benci Israel secara umum, lebih tepat dikatakan kita menentang kebijakan pemerintah Israel mengenai Perang Gaza, gimana?
Satu kisah yang gue dapet, masih tentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan orang Yahudi. Gue pernah baca di buku apagitu pas gue kelas VII, kalo nggak salah begini:
"Suatu hari, Rasulullah dan para sahabatnya sedang duduk-duduk. Kemudian, ada iring-iringan jenazah lewat. Rasulullah serta-merta langsung berdiri untuk memberi jalan dan menghormati iring-iringan jenazah tersebut.
"Salah seorang sahabat bertanya, 'Ya Rasulullah, untuk apa kau berdiri? Jenazah yang diusung itu adalah jenazah orang Yahudi!'.
"Rasulullah menjawab, 'Apakah ia bukan manusia?'."
Tuh. Itu Nabi Muhammad lo, nabi yang agung, manusia pilihan Tuhan.
Waktu kecil, waktu gue masih lugu, gue emang sempet suka misunderstanding sama non-Muslim. Tapi sekarang gue udah cukup dewasa untuk memahami perbedaan. Dan alhamdulillah gue dibesarkan di lingkungan keluarga yang nggak radikal, dan beberapa kerabat gue juga ada yang non-Muslim (FYI, bapak gue mualaf). Jadinya ya...beginilah.
Seorang temen pernah bilang dia nggak suka sama orang dari suatu agama karena katanya mereka suka cari gara-gara. Oke, mereka cari gara-gara. Apakah mereka cari gara-gara karena mereka beragama tersebut? Gue rasa tidak. Bukan karena agamanya, tapi memang attitude-nya, and it's not related to their beliefs at all, I think.
Makanya gue suka panas kalo ada yang ngatain agama atau ras tertentu. Sadar dong, kita tinggal di Indonesia, masyarakatnya sangat majemuk, wajar sekali kalau banyak perbedaan. Perbedaan itu indah, you know.
Di Al - Qur'an dikatakan, "Bagiku agamaku, bagimu agamamu." Cukup jelas kan?
Oke, selesai. Adios.
Silakan dibaca.
Nah, gimana? Gue sih jujur tersentuh banget sama topik itu, tentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan pengemis Yahudi. Nabi Muhammad yang nggak bisa dipungkiri merupakan orang yang sangat mulia aja nggak membeda-bedakan orang berdasarkan agamanya. Orang jaman sekarang? Sok-sokan benci Yahudi, benci Israel, benci Amerika...hmm. Oke, gue akuin tindakan menyerang Palestina itu salah, salah banget. Tetapi gue memandangnya dari sisi kemanusiaan. Apakah tentara Israel menyerang Palestina karena orang Palestina itu mayoritas Muslim? Nggak kan? Gue akuin gue juga selalu panas baca artikel kekejaman tentara Israel di Palestina, tapi nggak berarti gue benci Israel, benci Yahudi secara umum. Nggak ada orang yang gue benci karena agama atau rasnya, gue benci seseorang karena attitude-nya, apa yang dia lakukan, no matter apa agamanya.
Dan ga semua orang Israel ngedukung Perang Gaza, lagi. Gue pernah liat sebuah buku tentang Perang Gaza di mata orang Israel (gue lupa judulnya). Nyatanya banyak yang nggak setuju tuh. Jadi ya nggak layak juga kalo kita benci Israel secara umum, lebih tepat dikatakan kita menentang kebijakan pemerintah Israel mengenai Perang Gaza, gimana?
Satu kisah yang gue dapet, masih tentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan orang Yahudi. Gue pernah baca di buku apagitu pas gue kelas VII, kalo nggak salah begini:
"Suatu hari, Rasulullah dan para sahabatnya sedang duduk-duduk. Kemudian, ada iring-iringan jenazah lewat. Rasulullah serta-merta langsung berdiri untuk memberi jalan dan menghormati iring-iringan jenazah tersebut.
"Salah seorang sahabat bertanya, 'Ya Rasulullah, untuk apa kau berdiri? Jenazah yang diusung itu adalah jenazah orang Yahudi!'.
"Rasulullah menjawab, 'Apakah ia bukan manusia?'."
Tuh. Itu Nabi Muhammad lo, nabi yang agung, manusia pilihan Tuhan.
Waktu kecil, waktu gue masih lugu, gue emang sempet suka misunderstanding sama non-Muslim. Tapi sekarang gue udah cukup dewasa untuk memahami perbedaan. Dan alhamdulillah gue dibesarkan di lingkungan keluarga yang nggak radikal, dan beberapa kerabat gue juga ada yang non-Muslim (FYI, bapak gue mualaf). Jadinya ya...beginilah.
Seorang temen pernah bilang dia nggak suka sama orang dari suatu agama karena katanya mereka suka cari gara-gara. Oke, mereka cari gara-gara. Apakah mereka cari gara-gara karena mereka beragama tersebut? Gue rasa tidak. Bukan karena agamanya, tapi memang attitude-nya, and it's not related to their beliefs at all, I think.
Makanya gue suka panas kalo ada yang ngatain agama atau ras tertentu. Sadar dong, kita tinggal di Indonesia, masyarakatnya sangat majemuk, wajar sekali kalau banyak perbedaan. Perbedaan itu indah, you know.
Di Al - Qur'an dikatakan, "Bagiku agamaku, bagimu agamamu." Cukup jelas kan?
Oke, selesai. Adios.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Our Last Summer
Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgard, Amanda Seyfried, & Meryl Streep
Ost. Mamma Mia!
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer, memories that remain
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass by the Eiffel Tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh, yes
Those crazy years
That was the time of the flower power
But underneath we had the fear of flying
Of growing old, the fear of slowly dying
We took our chance, like we were dancing our last dance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer, walking hand in hand
Paris restaurants, our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day, worries far away
Our last summer, we could laugh and play
And now you're working in a bank
The family man, a football fan
And your name is Harry
How dull it seems
Yet you were the hero of my dreams
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round in Notre Dame
Our last summer, walking hand in hand
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walk along the Sein, laughing in the rain
Our last summer, memories that remain
Ost. Mamma Mia!
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer, memories that remain
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass by the Eiffel Tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh, yes
Those crazy years
That was the time of the flower power
But underneath we had the fear of flying
Of growing old, the fear of slowly dying
We took our chance, like we were dancing our last dance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer, walking hand in hand
Paris restaurants, our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day, worries far away
Our last summer, we could laugh and play
And now you're working in a bank
The family man, a football fan
And your name is Harry
How dull it seems
Yet you were the hero of my dreams
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round in Notre Dame
Our last summer, walking hand in hand
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walk along the Sein, laughing in the rain
Our last summer, memories that remain
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
12 Tahun Tragedi Trisakti
Ok, seperti kita tau, hari ini peringatan 12 tahun Tragedi Trisakti. Di mana ketika empat mahasiswa Universitas Trisakti: Elang Mulia Lesmana, Hafidhin Royan, Hendriawan Sie, dan Heri Hartanto.
Gue ga mau banyak bacot. Gue cuma mau memuat puisi karya Taufik Ismail, yang ditulis tanggal 13 Mei 1998, sehari setelah kejadian.
Empat syuhada berangkat pada suatu malam, gerimis air mata
Tertahan di hari keesokan, telinga kami lekapkan ke tanah kuburan
Dan simaklah itu sedu sedan
Mereka anak muda pengembara tiada sendiri
Mengukir reformasi karena deru deformasi
Dengarkan saban hari langkah sahabat-sahabatmu beribu menderu-deru
Kartu mahasiswa telah disimpan dan tas kuliah turun dari bahu
Mestinya kalian jadi insinyur dan ekonom abad 21
Tapi malaikat telah mencatat prestasi kalian tertinggi di Trisakti, bahkan seluruh negeri
Karena kalian berani mengukir alfabet pertama dari kata Reformasi-Damai dengan darah arteri sendiri
Merah Putih yang setengah tiang ini menunduk di bawah garang matahari
Tak mampu mengibarkan diri karena angin lama bersembunyi
Tapi peluru logam telah kami patahkan dalam do'a bersama
Dan kalian pahlawan bersih dari dendam
Karena jalan masih jauh dan kita memerlukan peta dari Tuhan
Demi apapun ya, gue terharu banget baca puisi itu. Are you...?
Gue ga mau banyak bacot. Gue cuma mau memuat puisi karya Taufik Ismail, yang ditulis tanggal 13 Mei 1998, sehari setelah kejadian.
Empat syuhada berangkat pada suatu malam, gerimis air mata
Tertahan di hari keesokan, telinga kami lekapkan ke tanah kuburan
Dan simaklah itu sedu sedan
Mereka anak muda pengembara tiada sendiri
Mengukir reformasi karena deru deformasi
Dengarkan saban hari langkah sahabat-sahabatmu beribu menderu-deru
Kartu mahasiswa telah disimpan dan tas kuliah turun dari bahu
Mestinya kalian jadi insinyur dan ekonom abad 21
Tapi malaikat telah mencatat prestasi kalian tertinggi di Trisakti, bahkan seluruh negeri
Karena kalian berani mengukir alfabet pertama dari kata Reformasi-Damai dengan darah arteri sendiri
Merah Putih yang setengah tiang ini menunduk di bawah garang matahari
Tak mampu mengibarkan diri karena angin lama bersembunyi
Tapi peluru logam telah kami patahkan dalam do'a bersama
Dan kalian pahlawan bersih dari dendam
Karena jalan masih jauh dan kita memerlukan peta dari Tuhan
Demi apapun ya, gue terharu banget baca puisi itu. Are you...?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
*first of all, sorry for my bad English* know, I feel tonight is different. I swear, I don't do anything certain. Right now I'm just Tweeting, listening to music, and watching tennis on TV. But, to me, tonight is very, very special.
Because of Google.
Well, I Googled some nice articles, and they were really, really touching. Too touching. I didn't cry, but my heart was melted.
Then I realized what I've done at the age of 14. Yes, I will be 15 in just few days, on May 25 for exact. But before I leave this age, I want to know about things I have done.
A lot of things happen when I'm 14. I celebrated my 14th birthday just a day before I got released from hospital. For my birthday I got a lot of lovely presents. From my family, my friends...and I still keep them.
And I've been more mature than before. I understand and realize things I didn't before. Many things, good things, bad things. As a teenager of course I'm still looking for an identity, but I start to find parts from it at this age. Good parts, bad parts.
I also start to find out what I want, who I am, where I want to be. The answers are on my mind, I keep them private.
A lot of surprising things happen. Once I asked God, "Why me?" because of those things. He gave me the answer days, or weeks later. I found it after watching the Australian Open final (yes, I'm not joking).
I know He wants me to be a fighter. I've always idolized fighters (for example: Justine Henin), because to be strong and fighting is one of the hardest things to do. All of those things will make me stronger than ever, if I believe they will. And I do. I'm stronger now. When a lot of girls cry over things like boyfriends and others, I keep standing proudly and think about a lot more important things. A boyfriend I'd love to have, but not now. Maybe when I'm older. Now I have a lot of things to think about, a lot more important things. I'm not saying that the other girls are weak or I'm much stronger than them, but well...I'm quite different. And I love it, I love to be different.
Now I'm in progress to be a real fighter. I enjoy my days, not thinking about something silly, and not easy to give up. If bad things happen, I'll fight and find out that God has some plans behind. Still, I cry sometimes, but it's normal for a human being, you know. I cry, but only over things I think are important. I even laugh, sometimes, to prove that there is always a comedy behind every tragedy. In crucial situation, I never lose my sense of humor. Why do I have to cry when I can laugh?
I know God will grant my prays, to be a strong person. Life is full of things, good things, bad things. And one of the ways to face it, is to be strong. We've seen a lot of successful people suffered from a lot of things in their pasts. But they made it into success, because they are strong.
I write this sentence on my heart, on my mind, on my life, on my steps: "I have to be strong."
Ok, enough with those words. Adios! know, I feel tonight is different. I swear, I don't do anything certain. Right now I'm just Tweeting, listening to music, and watching tennis on TV. But, to me, tonight is very, very special.
Because of Google.
Well, I Googled some nice articles, and they were really, really touching. Too touching. I didn't cry, but my heart was melted.
Then I realized what I've done at the age of 14. Yes, I will be 15 in just few days, on May 25 for exact. But before I leave this age, I want to know about things I have done.
A lot of things happen when I'm 14. I celebrated my 14th birthday just a day before I got released from hospital. For my birthday I got a lot of lovely presents. From my family, my friends...and I still keep them.
And I've been more mature than before. I understand and realize things I didn't before. Many things, good things, bad things. As a teenager of course I'm still looking for an identity, but I start to find parts from it at this age. Good parts, bad parts.
I also start to find out what I want, who I am, where I want to be. The answers are on my mind, I keep them private.
A lot of surprising things happen. Once I asked God, "Why me?" because of those things. He gave me the answer days, or weeks later. I found it after watching the Australian Open final (yes, I'm not joking).
I know He wants me to be a fighter. I've always idolized fighters (for example: Justine Henin), because to be strong and fighting is one of the hardest things to do. All of those things will make me stronger than ever, if I believe they will. And I do. I'm stronger now. When a lot of girls cry over things like boyfriends and others, I keep standing proudly and think about a lot more important things. A boyfriend I'd love to have, but not now. Maybe when I'm older. Now I have a lot of things to think about, a lot more important things. I'm not saying that the other girls are weak or I'm much stronger than them, but well...I'm quite different. And I love it, I love to be different.
Now I'm in progress to be a real fighter. I enjoy my days, not thinking about something silly, and not easy to give up. If bad things happen, I'll fight and find out that God has some plans behind. Still, I cry sometimes, but it's normal for a human being, you know. I cry, but only over things I think are important. I even laugh, sometimes, to prove that there is always a comedy behind every tragedy. In crucial situation, I never lose my sense of humor. Why do I have to cry when I can laugh?
I know God will grant my prays, to be a strong person. Life is full of things, good things, bad things. And one of the ways to face it, is to be strong. We've seen a lot of successful people suffered from a lot of things in their pasts. But they made it into success, because they are strong.
I write this sentence on my heart, on my mind, on my life, on my steps: "I have to be strong."
Ok, enough with those words. Adios!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You
George Benson
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever, oh, so cleary
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever, too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world my change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Buat temen-temen gua.
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever, oh, so cleary
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever, too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world my change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Buat temen-temen gua.
Not Such Good Days
Jadi...hahaha -_- *paanze*.
Kok jadi gajelas gini? Oke, gue mau cerita aja nih, Kawan.
Mulai dari mana ya?
Pertama gue mau curhat, dua hari kemaren bener-bener bukan hari yang bagus buat nonton olahraga. Sialnya keterlaluan nih sepakbola ga balapan F1 ga tenis sama aja lagi ga hoki.
Di sepakbola, CHELSEANJING JUARA EPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA SUMPAH YAAAAA...padahal MU udah menang 4 - 0 kemarin!! Tapi Chelsea juga menang 8 - 0 -_- sama Wigan, yaudah this year's EPL trophy belongs to Chelsea. Keselkeselkesel!!!!!!!! Udah Barcelona ga masuk final Champions League, sekarang MU ga menang EPL! Mana top skorer EPL-nya...Drogba lagi ya Allah sabaaaar.
Di F1, ban mobil Hamilton pecah pas tinggal 2 lap lagi selesai -______-"...ah sial banget ya, terus Schumacher juga ga dapet podium (lagi), Rosberg yang sedikit-sedikit mulai gue dukung (gara-gara Fina nih) kemaren mainnya ga bagus...keseeeeeeeeeeeelllllll! Alhamdulillah sih Alonso dapet podium kedua, cuma ya nyesek aja sama Hamilton, plis ya udah tinggal 2 lap lagi malah bannya pecah!!!
Di tenis, nah ini yang paling sial. Hari Sabtu Roger kalah sama Montanes di semifinal ATP Estoril T_T, terus Kuznetsova kalah sama Pe'er di putaran pertama WTA Madrid...yes, putaran pertama. Dan mereka berdua kalah straight sets...kuesele Rek -_-. Terus hari Minggu, Sharapova kalah sama Safarova, 4 - 6, 3 - 6...ahsial bet yak gue udah berharap Sharapova menang dia malah kalah, Safarova mah giliran gue pengen dia menang malah kalah, pas gue pengen dia kalah malah menang. Dan yang paling parah...HENIN KALAH NJIR, kalah di putaran pertama Madrid, dan...on clay court, for God's sake! Kalahnya...6 - 4, 5 - 7, 0 - 6. 0 - 6!!!!!!!!!
*ganti topik*
Kan tadi gue ke sekolah, ngebagi-bagiin piagam lomba di Tamsel sama ngambil ijazah sementara. Ok, nilainya ga buruk-buruk amat lah US dan UP-nya, tapi ya tetep aja, orangtua gue ga bakal naik panggung nanti pas wisuda. And I'm really sorry about that. I'm not able to give the best to them.
Nah ini gue mau cerita sedikit deh. Kan cadangan swasta gue tuh di Global Prestasi School ya, nah banyak yang agak gimana...gitu sama keputusan gue. Gue ditawarin Kemang, Labschool, sama Pangsoed, tapi gue pilih Global. Orang-orang beberapa ada yang gini, "Ih kan Global begini...begitu...banyak Tionghoa..." Ok, alasan banyak Tionghoa itu alasan terbodoh yang pernah gue denger. Emang kenapa dengan Tionghoa? Ada yang salah? Mereka juga manusia, fitrah mereka orang Indonesia juga, Coy. Jelas-jelas banget ada di semboyan negara kita, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Biarpun mungkin beda ras, beda warna kulit, beda bentuk mata, tetep aja kita satu, satu bangsa Indonesia.
Terus karena, Global bukan sekolah beragama. Please, gue memandang jauh ke depan, ga cuma sekarang-sekarang aja. Udah cukup gue 11 tahun masuk sekolah beragama, gue rasa sekarang saatnya gue belajar bergaul di lingkungan yang heterogen, toh gue kira gue udah cukup dewasa. Orang-orang di seluruh dunia ga cuma Muslim aja, dan gue nyadar banget soal itu. Kalo gue kelamaan bergaul di lingkungan yang homogen, takutnya nanti pas udah dewasa, ketika gue berinteraksi di lingkungan yang heterogen, gue bisa kagok. Daripada kagok nanti mending dilatih dari sekarang kan? Ga ada salahnya bergaul sama orang yang berbeda keyakinan, toh Tuhan kita sama. Yang beda cuma cara kita menyembahNya kan?
By the way, ada sedikit insiden waktu gue pulang sekolah tadi. Dan sekarang kedua lutut gue sakit. Tanya kenapa...?
Kok jadi gajelas gini? Oke, gue mau cerita aja nih, Kawan.
Mulai dari mana ya?
Pertama gue mau curhat, dua hari kemaren bener-bener bukan hari yang bagus buat nonton olahraga. Sialnya keterlaluan nih sepakbola ga balapan F1 ga tenis sama aja lagi ga hoki.
Di sepakbola, CHELSEA
Di F1, ban mobil Hamilton pecah pas tinggal 2 lap lagi selesai -______-"...ah sial banget ya, terus Schumacher juga ga dapet podium (lagi), Rosberg yang sedikit-sedikit mulai gue dukung (gara-gara Fina nih) kemaren mainnya ga bagus...keseeeeeeeeeeeelllllll! Alhamdulillah sih Alonso dapet podium kedua, cuma ya nyesek aja sama Hamilton, plis ya udah tinggal 2 lap lagi malah bannya pecah!!!
Di tenis, nah ini yang paling sial. Hari Sabtu Roger kalah sama Montanes di semifinal ATP Estoril T_T, terus Kuznetsova kalah sama Pe'er di putaran pertama WTA Madrid...yes, putaran pertama. Dan mereka berdua kalah straight sets...kuesele Rek -_-. Terus hari Minggu, Sharapova kalah sama Safarova, 4 - 6, 3 - 6...ahsial bet yak gue udah berharap Sharapova menang dia malah kalah, Safarova mah giliran gue pengen dia menang malah kalah, pas gue pengen dia kalah malah menang. Dan yang paling parah...HENIN KALAH NJIR, kalah di putaran pertama Madrid, dan...on clay court, for God's sake! Kalahnya...6 - 4, 5 - 7, 0 - 6. 0 - 6!!!!!!!!!
*ganti topik*
Kan tadi gue ke sekolah, ngebagi-bagiin piagam lomba di Tamsel sama ngambil ijazah sementara. Ok, nilainya ga buruk-buruk amat lah US dan UP-nya, tapi ya tetep aja, orangtua gue ga bakal naik panggung nanti pas wisuda. And I'm really sorry about that. I'm not able to give the best to them.
Nah ini gue mau cerita sedikit deh. Kan cadangan swasta gue tuh di Global Prestasi School ya, nah banyak yang agak gimana...gitu sama keputusan gue. Gue ditawarin Kemang, Labschool, sama Pangsoed, tapi gue pilih Global. Orang-orang beberapa ada yang gini, "Ih kan Global begini...begitu...banyak Tionghoa..." Ok, alasan banyak Tionghoa itu alasan terbodoh yang pernah gue denger. Emang kenapa dengan Tionghoa? Ada yang salah? Mereka juga manusia, fitrah mereka orang Indonesia juga, Coy. Jelas-jelas banget ada di semboyan negara kita, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Biarpun mungkin beda ras, beda warna kulit, beda bentuk mata, tetep aja kita satu, satu bangsa Indonesia.
Terus karena, Global bukan sekolah beragama. Please, gue memandang jauh ke depan, ga cuma sekarang-sekarang aja. Udah cukup gue 11 tahun masuk sekolah beragama, gue rasa sekarang saatnya gue belajar bergaul di lingkungan yang heterogen, toh gue kira gue udah cukup dewasa. Orang-orang di seluruh dunia ga cuma Muslim aja, dan gue nyadar banget soal itu. Kalo gue kelamaan bergaul di lingkungan yang homogen, takutnya nanti pas udah dewasa, ketika gue berinteraksi di lingkungan yang heterogen, gue bisa kagok. Daripada kagok nanti mending dilatih dari sekarang kan? Ga ada salahnya bergaul sama orang yang berbeda keyakinan, toh Tuhan kita sama. Yang beda cuma cara kita menyembahNya kan?
By the way, ada sedikit insiden waktu gue pulang sekolah tadi. Dan sekarang kedua lutut gue sakit. Tanya kenapa...?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Kiss with a Fist
Florence and the Machine
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
My black eye casts no shadows
Your red eye sees no pain
Your slaps don't stick, your kicks don't hit
So we remain the same blood sticks and sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
Oh, a kiss with a fist is better than none
Broke your jaw once before
Split your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
Sit back and watch the bed burnt
Well, love sticks sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
Oh, a kiss with a fist is better than none
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
My black eye casts no shadows
Your red eye sees no pain
Your slaps don't stick, your kicks don't hit
So we remain the same blood sticks and sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
Oh, a kiss with a fist is better than none
Broke your jaw once before
Split your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
Sit back and watch the bed burnt
Well, love sticks sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
Oh, a kiss with a fist is better than none
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
You hit me once, I hit you back
You give a kick, I give a slap
You smash a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
Friday, May 7, 2010
Superman (It's Not Easy)
Five for Fighting
America Town
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside the train
And it's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede?
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me
Up, up...ahead...away, away from me
Well, it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for Kryptonite on this one-way street
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me...inside of me
Yeah...inside of me
Inside of me
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Only a man looking for a dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy...
It's not easy to be me
I may already posted this before, but...well, I feel like writing this, you know. So...yeah.
America Town
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside the train
And it's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede?
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me
Up, up...ahead...away, away from me
Well, it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for Kryptonite on this one-way street
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me...inside of me
Yeah...inside of me
Inside of me
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Only a man looking for a dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy...
It's not easy to be me
I may already posted this before, but...well, I feel like writing this, you know. So...yeah.
Alhamdulillah, Innalillahi T_T
Ok gue kembali.
Barusan dapet rincian nilai dari Bu Ai.
Bahasa Inggris: 9.6 (reaksi: Nanggung, 0.4 lagi hahaha -_-, tapi alhamdulillah :D)
Bahasa Indonesia: 9.2 (reaksi: Alhamdulillah bangeeeet)
Matematika: 8.5 (reaksi: ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH YA TUHAN KAMIIIIIII--sori lebay tapi menurut gue nilai matematika segini tuh anugerah Tuhan bangeeeeeeeeet :'D)
IPA: 6 koma (reaksi: T_________________________T screw you!!!!!!!!!!)
Hahaha padahal gue kira, gue jatuhnya di matematika, guru-guru + orangtua juga ngiranya begitu *ckckck segitu parahnya ya? Hahaha*, ternyata malah di...IPAsucks. HUAAAAAAAAAAA IPA GUA SEGITU COBA :'( :'( :'(.............KUKUTUK KAU JADI BATU SEPERTI MALIN KUNDANG! *???*
Hahaha kayaknya ada hal non-teknis yang berpengaruh...ehm, mungkin Anda tahu?
Teyuzzzz (?), tadi Bu Ai nelepon gua, bener-bener deh sumpah, mood gue jadi balik.
Bu Ai: "Enta kamu ga sedih kan?"
Gue: "Hahaha dikit sih Bu." --> boong, mata gue bengkak asal lo tau
Bu Ai: "Nggak usah sedih, kamu ga terendah di kelas kok."
Gue: "Oh ya ya Bu. Rincian nilainya gimana ya?"
Bu Ai: "Bahasa Inggris 9.6, IPA 9.2, matematika 8.5..." --> langsung sumringah
Gue: "Ah yang bener Bu!?"
Bu Ai: "Iya Ibu juga kira kamu bakal jatuh di matematika, tapi IPA yang jatuh ternyata."
Gue: "IPA-nya berapa?"
Bu Ai: "6 koma...waduh IPA-nya ini bukan matematika Ta..."
Gue: "Oh yaampun hahaha." --> pura-pura biasa aja padahal hati meledak (gadeng)
Bu Ai: "Ya, makanya kamu nggak usah sedih ya, justru Ibu yang sedih harus kehilangan kamu karena nanti masuk Global, sayang aja kita kehilangan potensi luar biasa..." --> AMIIIIIIIN
Gue: "Hahaha iya Bu iyaaa..."
Ya yang Bu Ai bilang itu gue jadi...agak optimis lah, sama diri gue sendiri. Well, mungkin gue ga bakat di eksakta, tapi yang lain? Makanya gue muntab banget sama pemerentah yang cuma ngeliat kecerdasan berdasarkan empat pelajaran UN, padahal jelas-jelas kecerdasan orang beda-beda, yegak? Yang kenal gue taulah where I'm good at.
Tapi ya...gue gabisa boong, gue masih sedikit kecewa sama nilai 34 itu. But I'm trying to keep smiling and be happy :').
Dan buat Temen-temen makasih banget ya, for being the spirit in my life. For now, I love you more than anything in this world :'). Your smile is my happiness, your tears is my sorrow *ecie gombal hahaha -_-*.
Oh ya, ini lima lagu yang sering gue dengerin akhir-akhir ini:
Five for Fighting - World
Florence and the Machine - Kiss with a Fist
Herbert Gronemeyer - Celebrate the Day
Johnny Hallyday - L'Envie
K'naan - Wavin' Flag
Enak-enak deh sumpah hahaha.
Barusan dapet rincian nilai dari Bu Ai.
Bahasa Inggris: 9.6 (reaksi: Nanggung, 0.4 lagi hahaha -_-, tapi alhamdulillah :D)
Bahasa Indonesia: 9.2 (reaksi: Alhamdulillah bangeeeet)
Matematika: 8.5 (reaksi: ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH YA TUHAN KAMIIIIIII--sori lebay tapi menurut gue nilai matematika segini tuh anugerah Tuhan bangeeeeeeeeet :'D)
IPA: 6 koma (reaksi: T_________________________T screw you!!!!!!!!!!)
Hahaha padahal gue kira, gue jatuhnya di matematika, guru-guru + orangtua juga ngiranya begitu *ckckck segitu parahnya ya? Hahaha*, ternyata malah di...IPAsucks. HUAAAAAAAAAAA IPA GUA SEGITU COBA :'( :'( :'(.............KUKUTUK KAU JADI BATU SEPERTI MALIN KUNDANG! *???*
Hahaha kayaknya ada hal non-teknis yang berpengaruh...ehm, mungkin Anda tahu?
Teyuzzzz (?), tadi Bu Ai nelepon gua, bener-bener deh sumpah, mood gue jadi balik.
Bu Ai: "Enta kamu ga sedih kan?"
Gue: "Hahaha dikit sih Bu." --> boong, mata gue bengkak asal lo tau
Bu Ai: "Nggak usah sedih, kamu ga terendah di kelas kok."
Gue: "Oh ya ya Bu. Rincian nilainya gimana ya?"
Bu Ai: "Bahasa Inggris 9.6, IPA 9.2, matematika 8.5..." --> langsung sumringah
Gue: "Ah yang bener Bu!?"
Bu Ai: "Iya Ibu juga kira kamu bakal jatuh di matematika, tapi IPA yang jatuh ternyata."
Gue: "IPA-nya berapa?"
Bu Ai: "6 koma...waduh IPA-nya ini bukan matematika Ta..."
Gue: "Oh yaampun hahaha." --> pura-pura biasa aja padahal hati meledak (gadeng)
Bu Ai: "Ya, makanya kamu nggak usah sedih ya, justru Ibu yang sedih harus kehilangan kamu karena nanti masuk Global, sayang aja kita kehilangan potensi luar biasa..." --> AMIIIIIIIN
Gue: "Hahaha iya Bu iyaaa..."
Ya yang Bu Ai bilang itu gue jadi...agak optimis lah, sama diri gue sendiri. Well, mungkin gue ga bakat di eksakta, tapi yang lain? Makanya gue muntab banget sama pemerentah yang cuma ngeliat kecerdasan berdasarkan empat pelajaran UN, padahal jelas-jelas kecerdasan orang beda-beda, yegak? Yang kenal gue taulah where I'm good at.
Tapi ya...gue gabisa boong, gue masih sedikit kecewa sama nilai 34 itu. But I'm trying to keep smiling and be happy :').
Dan buat Temen-temen makasih banget ya, for being the spirit in my life. For now, I love you more than anything in this world :'). Your smile is my happiness, your tears is my sorrow *ecie gombal hahaha -_-*.
Oh ya, ini lima lagu yang sering gue dengerin akhir-akhir ini:
Five for Fighting - World
Florence and the Machine - Kiss with a Fist
Herbert Gronemeyer - Celebrate the Day
Johnny Hallyday - L'Envie
K'naan - Wavin' Flag
Enak-enak deh sumpah hahaha.
UN: Sucks
Ok, hari ini kan pengumuman hasil UN.
Harusnya gue nungguin Pak Posyang sialnya sampe sekarang belum dateng-dateng, tapi karena udah gasabar (sifat alamiah nih), yaudah kan gue telepon Bu Ai (wali kelas gua).
Katanya alhamdulillah Virsestien lulus 100%...wah girang nih kan siapa tau ada hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan...gitu deh. Tapi kan belum ketauan NEM-nya, justru itu yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Kalo NEM-nya jelek mah...wassalam.
Gue sms Bu Ai, nanyain NEM gue. Soalnya anak-anak JP lain juga udah pada tau, yaudah gue sms.
Ini balesan dari Bu Ai:
"Nilai enta 34.05"
Langsung shock gua.
Parah deh pokoknya.
Oke gue tau segitu masih lumayan, tapi plis ya, ini UN! Rata-rata 8.0 itu jelek lah kalo UN! Anjrit parah banget sumpah kecewa, malu banget guaaaa.
Maaf ya semua, gue nggak bisa ngasih yang lebih bagus dari 34.05.
But at least I've been honest, I didn't cheat. I did it all by myself.
Cuma ya tetep ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Temen-temen gue banyak yang 36, 37, lah gue gimana?
Jelek banget sumpah.
Jujur sih jujur, tapi kalo kayak gitu mah...
Au ah ngeselin banget.
Kecewa gua.
Apa gue kurang belajar ya?
Apa gue ngehitamin LJK-nya kurang mantep?
Apa soalnya terlalu susah?
Ga tau :'( :'( :'(.
Ya segini aja, yang jelas gue KECEWA BERAT.
Harusnya gue nungguin Pak Pos
Katanya alhamdulillah Virsestien lulus 100%...wah girang nih kan siapa tau ada hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan...gitu deh. Tapi kan belum ketauan NEM-nya, justru itu yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Kalo NEM-nya jelek mah...wassalam.
Gue sms Bu Ai, nanyain NEM gue. Soalnya anak-anak JP lain juga udah pada tau, yaudah gue sms.
Ini balesan dari Bu Ai:
"Nilai enta 34.05"
Langsung shock gua.
Parah deh pokoknya.
Oke gue tau segitu masih lumayan, tapi plis ya, ini UN! Rata-rata 8.0 itu jelek lah kalo UN! Anjrit parah banget sumpah kecewa, malu banget guaaaa.
Maaf ya semua, gue nggak bisa ngasih yang lebih bagus dari 34.05.
But at least I've been honest, I didn't cheat. I did it all by myself.
Cuma ya tetep ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Temen-temen gue banyak yang 36, 37, lah gue gimana?
Jelek banget sumpah.
Jujur sih jujur, tapi kalo kayak gitu mah...
Au ah ngeselin banget.
Kecewa gua.
Apa gue kurang belajar ya?
Apa gue ngehitamin LJK-nya kurang mantep?
Apa soalnya terlalu susah?
Ga tau :'( :'( :'(.
Ya segini aja, yang jelas gue KECEWA BERAT.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Five for Fighting
Two Lights
Got a package full of wishes
A time machine, a magic wand
A globe made out of gold
No instructions or commandments
Laws or gravity or
Indecisions to uphold
Printed on the box I see
ACME's a world-to-be
Take a chance, grab a piece
Help me to believe it
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now
Should there be people or peoples?
Money, funny pedestals for fools who never pay
Raise your army, choose your steeple
Don't be shy, the satellites can look the other way
Lose the earthquakes, keep the faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every man own his own hand
Can you dig it, Baby?
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now
Sunlight's on the bridge
Sunlight's on the way
Tomorrow's calling
There's more to this than luck
What kind of world do you want?
What kind of world do you want?
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
History starts now
Be careful what you wish for
Starts now
Two Lights
Got a package full of wishes
A time machine, a magic wand
A globe made out of gold
No instructions or commandments
Laws or gravity or
Indecisions to uphold
Printed on the box I see
ACME's a world-to-be
Take a chance, grab a piece
Help me to believe it
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now
Should there be people or peoples?
Money, funny pedestals for fools who never pay
Raise your army, choose your steeple
Don't be shy, the satellites can look the other way
Lose the earthquakes, keep the faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every man own his own hand
Can you dig it, Baby?
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now
Sunlight's on the bridge
Sunlight's on the way
Tomorrow's calling
There's more to this than luck
What kind of world do you want?
What kind of world do you want?
What kind of world do you want?
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Built a masterpiece
History starts now
Be careful what you wish for
Starts now
Mr Postman
What a big day tomorrow will be
We will receive the results of what we've done
We are now praying, Tweeting, wishing
All about all the best for us and others
Mr Postman, we are very nervous now
Bring us some good news tomorrow
Will be a good feeling to see you on your motorcycle
But to us you'll look like such an angel
Mr Postman, can you understand our feelings?
It's so difficult to describe, we don't yet understand
Will be a good feeling to see you on your motorcycle
But to us you'll look like such an angel
Uh...God, if only we could talk to you directly
But, well, I know You understand
You know how we feel, so please console us
We've already done our best, we give it all to You now
Mr Postman, if only you could come right now
We cannot wait, it's such a sorrow
To wait until tomorrow
Bring some good news to us
Mr Postman, we can't wait, really we do!
What will you bring tomorrow?
Will you smile, will you laugh?
What will be inside the envelopes you'll deliver?
Questions, questions, questions
All we can do now is questioning, asking
What will we get tomorrow?
What will be inside the Mr Postman's bag?
Mr Postman, come on, come quickly!
If it's necessary we won't sleep until you come!
11:00 am...oh that's a looooong time
Come quicker, please, we beg you
Mr Postman, where will our fates bring us?
What will be inside your bag?
Mr Postman, we hope you understand this
You'll bring our fates from God
No sound we're waiting for more than sound of your motorcycle
No face we're waiting for more than yours
Nothing we're waiting for more than things inside your bag
No one we're waiting for more than you, Mr Postman
Mr Postman, where will our fates bring us?
Our fates will come as a bunch of envelopes, right?
Mr Postman, nothing we're waiting more than those envelopes
If only you can read those questions...
We will receive the results of what we've done
We are now praying, Tweeting, wishing
All about all the best for us and others
Mr Postman, we are very nervous now
Bring us some good news tomorrow
Will be a good feeling to see you on your motorcycle
But to us you'll look like such an angel
Mr Postman, can you understand our feelings?
It's so difficult to describe, we don't yet understand
Will be a good feeling to see you on your motorcycle
But to us you'll look like such an angel
Uh...God, if only we could talk to you directly
But, well, I know You understand
You know how we feel, so please console us
We've already done our best, we give it all to You now
Mr Postman, if only you could come right now
We cannot wait, it's such a sorrow
To wait until tomorrow
Bring some good news to us
Mr Postman, we can't wait, really we do!
What will you bring tomorrow?
Will you smile, will you laugh?
What will be inside the envelopes you'll deliver?
Questions, questions, questions
All we can do now is questioning, asking
What will we get tomorrow?
What will be inside the Mr Postman's bag?
Mr Postman, come on, come quickly!
If it's necessary we won't sleep until you come!
11:00 am...oh that's a looooong time
Come quicker, please, we beg you
Mr Postman, where will our fates bring us?
What will be inside your bag?
Mr Postman, we hope you understand this
You'll bring our fates from God
No sound we're waiting for more than sound of your motorcycle
No face we're waiting for more than yours
Nothing we're waiting for more than things inside your bag
No one we're waiting for more than you, Mr Postman
Mr Postman, where will our fates bring us?
Our fates will come as a bunch of envelopes, right?
Mr Postman, nothing we're waiting more than those envelopes
If only you can read those questions...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
We Shout
Dangerous and Moving (Advance)
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you, I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes
You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings
You never left me, you never let me
See what this feeling means
Everything that you feel...
Is everything that I feel...
So when we dream...
We shout...
We shout...
You say it's all complex
Passion can pass for less
We never bothered telling each other
What we were bound to guess
Will anybody care?
We could go anywhere
Going through danger, talking to strangers
Will there be someone there?
Everything that you feel...
Is everything that I feel...
So when you dream...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
Dangerous and Moving (Advance)
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you, I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes
You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings
You never left me, you never let me
See what this feeling means
Everything that you feel...
Is everything that I feel...
So when we dream...
We shout...
We shout...
You say it's all complex
Passion can pass for less
We never bothered telling each other
What we were bound to guess
Will anybody care?
We could go anywhere
Going through danger, talking to strangers
Will there be someone there?
Everything that you feel...
Is everything that I feel...
So when you dream...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
We shout...
Johnny Hallyday
Qu'on me donne l'obscurit puis la lumire
Qu'on me donne la faim la soif puis un festin
Qu'on m'enlve ce qui est vain et secondaire
Que Je retrouve le prix de la vie...enfin!
Qu'on me donne la peine pour que j'aime domir
Qu'on me donne le froid pour que j'aime la flamme
Pour que j'aime ma terre qu'on me donne l'exil
Et qu'on m'enferme un an pour rever...des femmes!
On m'a trop donn bien avant l'envie
J'ai oubli les reves et les merci
Toutes ces choses qui avaient un prix
Qui font l'envie de vivre et le dsir
Et le plaisir aussi..
Qu'on me donne l'envie
L'envie d'avoir envie...
Qu'on allume ma vie!
Qu'on me donne la haine pour que j'aime l'amour
La solitude aussi pour que j'aime les gens
Pour que j'aime le silence qu'on me fasse des discours
Et toucher la misre pour respecter...l'argent !
Pour que j'aime etre sain, vaincre la maladie
Qu'on me donne la nuit pour que j'aime le jour
Qu'on me donne le jour pour que j'aime la nuit
Pour que j'aime aujourd'hui oublier les..."toujours"!
On m'a trop donn bien avant l'envie
J'ai oubli les reves et les merci
Toutes ces choses qui avaient un prix
Qui font l'envie de vivre et le dsir
Et le plaisir aussi...
Qu'on me donne l'envie
L'envie d'avoir envie
Qu'on rallume ma vie!
Qu'on me donne l'obscurit puis la lumire
Qu'on me donne la faim la soif puis un festin
Qu'on m'enlve ce qui est vain et secondaire
Que Je retrouve le prix de la vie...enfin!
Qu'on me donne la peine pour que j'aime domir
Qu'on me donne le froid pour que j'aime la flamme
Pour que j'aime ma terre qu'on me donne l'exil
Et qu'on m'enferme un an pour rever...des femmes!
On m'a trop donn bien avant l'envie
J'ai oubli les reves et les merci
Toutes ces choses qui avaient un prix
Qui font l'envie de vivre et le dsir
Et le plaisir aussi..
Qu'on me donne l'envie
L'envie d'avoir envie...
Qu'on allume ma vie!
Qu'on me donne la haine pour que j'aime l'amour
La solitude aussi pour que j'aime les gens
Pour que j'aime le silence qu'on me fasse des discours
Et toucher la misre pour respecter...l'argent !
Pour que j'aime etre sain, vaincre la maladie
Qu'on me donne la nuit pour que j'aime le jour
Qu'on me donne le jour pour que j'aime la nuit
Pour que j'aime aujourd'hui oublier les..."toujours"!
On m'a trop donn bien avant l'envie
J'ai oubli les reves et les merci
Toutes ces choses qui avaient un prix
Qui font l'envie de vivre et le dsir
Et le plaisir aussi...
Qu'on me donne l'envie
L'envie d'avoir envie
Qu'on rallume ma vie!
Hahaha enak loccc lagunya. :)
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